Viasocial | Advanced Social Plugin

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Author : Viaprestige Web Agency
Package : Viasocial | Facebook class
Version : 1.0 Comma release @01/09/2015

Viasocial is a simple PHP plugin, that makes the possibility to fetch comments from facebook's database, using the Graph API. Viasocial is created specially for WordPress, under Avada template.

The Source of Ideas

Two weeks ago we decide to replace the default WordPress comments with facebook social plugin, so at this step everything is clear except that for example; we can't show the latest comments* in the sidebar, because that facebook social plugin is iframed, means that comments are outside website, and neither WordPress or WordPress's plugins can do that at this moment (no official methods). So we decide to make something simple & clean, then we have chosen PHP, and we avoided using jQuery.

The bases

The Work Space

We choose WordPress as the best work space for our plugin, and we made it 100% compatible with Avada. For other templates : Our official 'Viasocial' plugin w'll be available soon at (we are working on it right now)




Since Wordpress 4.2 & Avada 3.8.5


Viasocial folder :

+-- class
|   --- facebook.class.php
+-- assets
|   +-- css
|   +-- js
|   +-- img

Avada folder :

.Avada 3.8.6
|   |   +-- .viasocial
|   |   --- .class-fusion-widget-tabs.php
|   |   --- .class-fusion-widget-tabs.php.bak


Standard intagration (developers)

Include the facebook class in your project and make a call to it :

$object = new Facebook();

Use function count('{option}') :

The object, is for example this article

// Returns the object's ID
// Returns comments count
// Returns shares & likes count *
// * shares and likes are both counted in the same time

Use function fetch('{option},{limit}') :

// Returns full data : comment, author, date&time, limited by 5
// Returns full data with custom profile picture
// Returns authors IDs
// Returns authors names
// Returns user's profile picture
// Returns messages (comments)
// Returns date&time of publishing
// Returns date of publishing
// Returns time of publishing

Use function share() :

// Returns the current URL to share on Facebook*

See the demo.

Wordpress intagration (Avada)

  1. Copy all contents of . / includes folder into your website :


    Using FTP client.

  2. In your WordPress backoffice / Theme options / blog / deactivate comments to turn on Viasocial.

  3. Put this custom css in your style :

        float: left;
        margin-right: 15px;
        height: 50px;
        width: 50px;


To run a demo, just put the main folder in your localhost WWW. then you have to edite facebook.class.php, by defining {url} :

    // Debuging
    // $this->settings['url'] = '{url}';

Installation via git

$ mkdir my-fantazy-sidebar
$ cd my-fantazy-sidebar
$ git clone
$ cd ..
$ start my-fantazy-sidebar


The comment :

The recent comments widget (avada)


See Viasocial licence